open source project from Lebanon (badge)  

One of the ideas I had in mind for a while now, is that we need to work more as Lebanese developers on open source projects and to become more known in the international open source community and at the same time build some tools that can help us and other programmers (and not just build open source for the sake of open source), so I had an idea for a project, which is actually a badge that any open source repository from Lebanon can add to their README file.

This is just the beginning of an idea, that we can in the future build concepts, tutorials and documentation around it, like guides to help programmers from our country on how to build and contribute to open source projects, etc..

If we communicated with other Lebanese developers who already have open source projects, and suggest they add this badge to their own repo, this will be a good start, and then we can proceed from there.

For more details and to download the badge, check the GitHub repository here: